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Request for Input

Request for Input 

from Countries and Indigenous Peoples Organizations


The ASM4 organizers are for preserving the Arctic region as a territory of peace, stability, and constructive cooperation focused on achieving concrete practical results in the interests of the entire population in northern latitudes, including Indigenous Peoples.

The Russian Federation, represented by the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), continues its coordinating functions as part of the ASM assigned by the previous coordinators on June 16, 2021 at the final ASM3 webinar, as well as on October 14, 2021 in Reykjavik (Iceland) in the framework of the annual international forum Arctic Circle Assembly.

The Russian Federation is pleased to hold the ASM4 in a hybrid format (April 14-152023, location to be determined). In order to monitor and evaluate the international Arctic scientific cooperation findings, we ask Arctic countries and indigenous peoples' organizations to assist in providing the requested information on the progress made.

The content and format of the ASM4 will be determined based on the continuity of previous ASMs and the growing relevance of scientific research in the Arctic, including those related to pronounced changes in the Arctic climate. The ASM4 will ensure an accessible, open and equally cordial dialogue and interaction with the Arctic population and the international scientific community.

At the same time, the Russian Federation and the French Republic, acting as co-organizers of the event, propose to include in its agenda a new priority activity in the form of Theme 5 "Development. Solutions for Sustainable Economic Development. The main task of the new theme is to maintain the formed database and working out the variant of further development of the information exchange mechanism. The goal of the work is to provide communication and information support for the sustainable development of the Arctic, the implementation of international projects of the Arctic region countries, using joint scientific, technical and innovative developments, as well as educational programs to improve the efficiency of key sectors of the national economy.

For the period of Russia's being a coordinator, the Forum of Arctic research funding organizations and webinars on the following topics are planned: "Current and Promising Forms of Scientific Cooperation in the Arctic", "Linking Past and Present Marine Ecosystems. Marine Environment Exploration", "Conserving Biodiversity of Ecosystems in the Arctic Zone", "Indigenous Peoples and the Environment", "Arctic Exploration through Knowledge Gaining. Accessibility of Education in the Arctic", "Monitoring and Research of Climate Change in the Arctic Region. Assessment of Challenges of Arctic Pollution and Climate Change." The schedule of events and the invitation to participate will be sent in the near future.

According to the ASM3 Joint Statement, the parties highlighted the importance of further enhancing of international research cooperation and agreed on a number of important issues. To give a true picture of the developments, we ask the signatories, representatives of Indigenous Peoples and international scientific organizations to provide information on the main international activities that served the goals set at the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial.

Based on the annual and traditional reporting, countries and organizations of Indigenous Peoples are re-invited to provide an overview of research activities in the Arctic; updated project deliverables (with links to the deliverables from previous ministerials); and new proposals to address the needs to enhance international and interdisciplinary cooperation.

The information submitted will allow identifying the highest priorities for actions and tracking progress, as well as identifying challenges and additional needs to achieve common goals. The information will be useful in discussions at subsequent workshops, ministerials and for the final report. The final report will be a summary of the study; it will specify the stage of project implementation and opportunities for both expanding cooperation and supporting specific studies. The report will be provided to the participants of the ASM4 and will be available on the official website of the ministerial. This information will also serve as the basis for a database outlining international efforts to explore the Arctic, which in turn will provide scientists, indigenous peoples, regional governments and other stakeholders with a tool to monitor progress and identify potential partners.

Such a procedure will simplify the process and will be based on the principles of transparency and openness in creation of a legacy product of Arctic research. All information provided to the ASM4 organizers will be available for free use and dissemination. If specific points are intended for participants  of the  Ministerial and are not subject to public sharing, please indicate it clearly when submitting materials.


Arctic Research Overviews

As at previous ministerials, we ask countries and Indigenous Peoples' organizations to provide an overview of Arctic research, which includes strategic and research goals, ways to fund research in the country/organization, principal research initiatives and infrastructure facilities used to conduct research. To simplify the process, we will send to each country a two-page overview, previously submitted in MS Word format, with a request to update the data in a peer review mode, as well as attach the appropriate photos.  

Please refer to the guidelines in Appendix 1.


Project Deliverable Updates and New Initiatives

For a more detailed picture of the scope and breadth of international research and educational activities in the Arctic, please provide up-to-date data on the results of such projects submitted earlier for the ASM3, as well as on new initiatives proposed to support the goals and topics of the upcoming ASM4. Please see the recommendations in Appendix 2.

In order to facilitate preparation of updates and expansion of the legacy database of materials, these materials will include previously submitted information about the project, including its summary. The information requested will include: selected keywords describing the project; participating countries; scope and duration of the project; topics covered in the project; and other issues to be ticked off, all of which will help in organizing and analyzing future international cooperation development. It also includes projects in which the country/organization was listed as a co-author; additional details can be specified, if desired.

Regarding new project reports, each country/organization should determine which projects it would like to bring forward as its contribution to achieving the goals and topics of the ASM4. The ministerial organizers ask countries/organizations to select the findings of the projects reflecting strong international partnerships, enhance international cooperation in scientific research, or projects in which international cooperation opportunities exist and are encouraged. For new reports projects, please use the Appendix 2 form. Please submit each new project as a separate document.


International Collaboration and Cooperation

Since one of the ASM goals is to enhance international cooperation and collaboration, for the ASM4 we request additional details on the available opportunities: on the format of international researchers' participating in your country's/organization' projects, their involvement in the ongoing major international initiatives, links to national priority documents and reference materials on Arctic exploration, as well as additional information. The purpose of this section is to reflect additional opportunities for international cooperation that can be used directly by scientists and indigenous peoples along with national efforts. Please see Appendix 3 for relevant questions.


Important Dates

September 1 – Requests for information go out to Countries

October 31 – Information due back to ASM4 Secretariat



Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya st., 11, GSP-3, 12599
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
1 rue Descartes 75231 Paris cedex 05
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